Urban Upbound, originally known as East River Development Alliance (ERDA), was co-founded in 2004 by Debra-Ellen Glickstein, a strong advocate of economic inclusion, and Bishop Mitchell Taylor, a lifelong resident of Queensbridge Houses, with the intention to develop high-quality services that address resident-identified needs. Since then, the organization has grown to serve thousands of youth and adults living in public housing and other low- and moderate-income neighborhoods annually.
Through an intensive case management approach, clients are engaged for long periods of time and services are fully integrated so all clients have access to the full array of Urban Upboundās services. The Urban Upbound Federal Credit Union (UUFCU) is an important pillar of the Urban Upbound model and an anchor in the community, connecting Queens residents to financial products that promote long-term asset building and economic mobility that are not available through mainstream banks.